6 Reasons to Choose a Green Season Safari in Tanzania - African Encounters

6 Reasons to Choose a Green Season Safari in Tanzania

When you think of a safari in Tanzania, images of vast plains dotted with majestic animals probably come to mind, the iconic Serengeti landscape of countless nature documentaries. However, there’s a hidden gem waiting to be discovered by intrepid travellers – the green season. 

Yes, you may get rain but you will see the Ngorongoro crater floor and the Serengeti open grass plains like never before – covered in lush green grass and carpeted in stunning flower displays – and you’ll avoid the peak season crowds! Instead, you’ll experience a period in the Wildebeest Migration that is dramatic, endearing, and awe-inspiring, and see flamingos in their thousands on Lake Magadi and Lake Ndutu! 

Here are six reasons why it’s my favourite time for a safari in Tanzania…

flamingos serengeti
© African Encounters Ltd

Lush Landscapes

Through the dry season months (June through October) the landscape slowly dries, the rivers stop flowing and the air is filled with dust. Not to mention smoke from winter fires! By contrast, after the rains the grass is green and lush, flowers bloom across the landscape and the air is wonderfully clear and free of dust and haze, making Africa’s stunning landscapes look at their absolute best.

…and there’s no doubt that the sunrises are more striking and the sunsets more dazzling!

rainbow green season tanzania
© African Encounters Ltd

It’s Baby Animal Season

While the dry season might be more popular for safari enthusiasts, the green season sees the coming of the first rains, the dramatic skies and the new grass – and almost by magic: the synchronised birth of thousands of babies. The green season is a great time to see animals with their young, from cubs and pups to fawns, foals and calves. The Great Migration, often hailed as one of the greatest natural spectacles on Earth, is even more spectacular at this time of year when large herds of wildebeest and zebras gather on the southern Serengeti plains to give birth. Tens of thousands of babies take their first unsteady steps, a breathtaking natural event that showcases the circle of life in all its glory. The lush grasses attract the herbivores, which in turn draw in predators seeking easy prey to feed their own babies. The green season offers a front-row seat to the drama of the African wilderness. 

wildebeest calves serengeti
© African Encounters Ltd

Fewer Crowds and a More Intimate Experience

For me, one of the most appealing aspects of visiting Tanzania during the green season is that there are fewer people visiting compared to the peak dry season. With fewer crowds, you can enjoy a more intimate and personal safari experience. Your expert guides can dedicate more time to sharing their knowledge and insights about the wildlife and ecosystem, and you can relish the tranquillity of the wilderness, without dozens of vehicles jostling for prime position at a wildlife sighting. Sadly this can be a big issue in the high-season months. 

green season ndutu serengeti
© African Encounters Ltd

Take the perfect photo

For photographers, the green season is a dream come true. The soft, diffused light and clear skies provide ideal conditions for capturing the vibrant colours of the landscape and the intricate details of the wildlife. The lush surroundings offer a unique backdrop, making your photos stand out with their rich and varied textures. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an amateur with a smartphone, the green season presents endless opportunities to capture the beauty of Tanzania’s wildlife and nature.

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A Haven for Birdwatchers

Tanzania’s green season is also a paradise for birdwatchers with the arrival of migratory birds in their vibrant breeding plumage adding an extra layer of diversity to the avian population. The wetlands and lagoons that form during the rains attract a multitude of bird species, from the lilac-breasted roller and the many different bee-eaters to the majestic fish eagle. Birders will relish the chance to spot rare and colourful species in their full splendour, making it an unparalleled experience for both wildlife enthusiasts and avid birdwatchers.

Saddle-billed storks green season
© African Encounters Ltd

Exceptional Green Season Rates

One of the most appealing aspects of visiting Tanzania during the green season is the significantly reduced rates for upmarket accommodations. Luxury lodges and camps offer substantial discounts during this period to entice travellers to experience the beauty of the green season. Many accommodation providers will also do away with charging single supplements for single travellers. While necessary when beds are scarce in the high season, in the green season they often relax this restriction in order to encourage more custom. Safari operators also put out a number of ‘special offers’ for this time of year – combinations of camps and lodges with significant savings built in.

elephants tanzania
© African Encounters Ltd

A safari in the low season is serene and peaceful, and offers a real sense of wilderness! From lush landscapes and vibrant wildlife to exclusive encounters and exceptional rates, if you’re looking to embrace a more intimate safari experience, see lots of baby animals, and capture stunning photographs, the green season is undoubtedly the perfect time to go on safari. 

So, why wait? Come and join me in February and discover why my fellow safari enthusiasts and I love a green season safari.