Karen's Signature Safaris 2024 - African Encounters

Karen’s Signature Safaris 2024

Most of the boutique safari camps my guests and I love are small, with just 6 – 8 tents, and they fill quickly. Early booking is essential to secure your place!

12 - 19 February 2024

Nairobi National Park, Selenkay Conservancy (Amboseli) & Ol Kinyei Conservancy (Masai Mara) are all prime destinations to see Kenya’s big cats. Kenya is my second home and I’d love to share it with you.

Lake Manyara National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, and the Serengeti. The massive migratory herds of wildebeest, zebra, and antelopes have arrived in the southern Serengeti for calving season, and the big cats with their cubs are there too.

leopard tanzania
25 Feb - 1 March 2024

Escape the crowds in remote Ruaha National Park and Nyerere National Park (formerly Selous). You’ll rarely see another vehicle in these superb southern Tanzania parks. 

linyanti expeditions
22 - 31 May 2024

Expedition camping in Linyanti Game Reserve (Botswana) & Hwange National Park (Zimbabwe). The perfect amount of authentic safari experience with all the trimmings. 

Camp Sossus Namibia
6 - 19 June 2024

Visit the Africat Education & Research Centre, Etosha National Park, Swakopmund & the stunning Sossusvlei dunes. Track desert-adapted rhinos and elephants in Damaraland. 

elephants tanzania
2 - 8 October 2024

Explore Tanzania’s most popular parks and reserves including Lake Manyara, the World Heritage Site of Ngorongoro Crater, and the Serengeti National Park – classic Africa at its best.

Reteti Elephant Sanctuary kenya
8 - 21 Ocober 2024

Selenkay Conservancy (Amboseli), Laikipia, Samburu National Park, Reteti Elephant Sanctuary (a 12-month adoption of one of these orphaned baby elephants is included in every booking on this safari) & Ol Kinyei Conservancy (Masai Mara).

wild dogs south luangwa zambia
21 - 31 October 2024

Stay in intimate owner-operated camps in two of Zambia’s premier wildlife destinations. South Luangwa is rightly known as the Valley of the Leopard, while in the Lower Zambezi you’ll enjoy boat trips on the mighty Zambezi River as well as game drives in the National Park.

morning tea with elephants on your African safari
1 - 10 November 2024

Explore the Okavango Delta (Botswana), track rhinos in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park (Zambia), and watch elephants and other wildlife at the waterhole from the deck of your luxury camp in Hwange National Park (Zimbabwe).