7 Tips for Taking Photos on Safari - African Encounters
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7 Tips for Taking Photos on Safari

As much as it’s about being there and seeing everything in person, taking photos on safari is also important. As well as providing you with memories of your African adventure, you can also share them with others, turn them into large wall canvases or even sell them to fund your next safari adventure. Whether you want to document your safari day by day or take simple snapshots of the Top 5, we’ll share our seven best tips on taking photos on safari with you.

Our top 7 Tips for Taking Photos on Safari

Photographs are one of the best ways to record memories and your African journey is certainly one you’ll want to remember forever! You want photos which show close-ups of the animals, people and scenery you see during your safari in Zimbabwe, Zambia & Botswana, or your trip exploring the stunning landscapes and wildlife of Namibia. With the advances in photographic equipment, this is now easier than ever before, but it’s not failsafe. Here are our top seven tips to help you take the perfect African safari photos!

  1. Research your African destination beforehand – find out more about the wildlife and environment you are visiting. We can certainly help you with resources and information about this, so send us an email. Otherwise, Google and your library are great information sources.
  2. Pack the right equipment – a visit to your local camera store or a chat with a professional photographer is well recommended. By explaining the types of photos you want to take, you’ll get the best advice on which camera you’ll need when taking photos on safari. Don’t forget to pack extra batteries, lenses and maybe even a solar charging station too, although there are battery charging facilities in all camps and lodges.
  3. Consider the rule of thirds – the rule of thirds is a composition technique used when taking photos. It helps you take photos which let people see both the subject and the surroundings better.
  4. Use the lighting to your advantage – paying attention to the stunning African light when taking photos is essential to capturing the perfect shot. Early morning or late afternoon game drives, when the sun is lower in the sky, provide the best natural lighting for photographs.
  5. Choose a small group safari and avoid the crowds in National Parks and Reserves. You’ll stay private conservancies and get close to some amazing African wildlife with no other vehicles around. The last thing you want to record is other tourists and their vehicles in your shots!
  6. Look for different perspectives – instead of taking the same photo everyone else is, try something different. Flying between accommodations and guided walks with local tribesmen lets you see things at a different angle, as does looking up at the birdlife in trees or sky too. Take photos of the animals in action such as grazing or chasing one another too.
  7. Practice and patience makes perfect – before you head off, practice taking photos with your equipment at home. Learn about the different photography composition techniques and when to use them. Don’t be in a rush to snap a shot, but rather spend time framing it. After all, quality is much more important than quantity.
  8. Bonus tip: We are increasingly seeing amazing photos being taken with smartphones these days. Unless you’re a professional photographer or photography is your hobby you don’t need expensive equipment. In fact, the wildlife is often too close to use a big lens and you may find yourself missing that great shot while you change lenses!

If you’re keen on taking great photos on an African safari, consider one of our guided tours. We’ll take you to the best African conservancies, helping you get plenty of amazing photos to take home with you.