News Archives - African Encounters



single-use plastic bags
Single-use plastic bags are banned in Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Namibia, Malawi, Morocco… Plastic bags are everywhere these days, and while they may seem like a cheap, easy way to carry our goods, they are wreaking havoc on the planet in a number of ways. The Namibian Government has announced a complete ban on plastic bags in...
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South Africa e-visa
Hopefully it will soon be easier for New Zealanders to get a South African Visa! South Africa Online Visa to be piloted in New Zealand Need help planning your African Safari? We are your African safari experts. We don’t sell the world, we specialise in Africa, and we spend several months there every year. We...
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South Africa visa
New Zealand passport holders can once again travel to South Africa without the need of getting any type of visa. After more than two years under the visa regime South Africa’s Minister of Home Affairs, Aaron Motsoaledi, announced the news during South Africa’s Home Affairs Budget Vote in July. In 2017, in what was considered...
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single use plastic bags
Passengers to Zanzibar are being warned not to bring single-use plastic bags, including zip lock bags, to the island. This comes after the government began to strictly enforce a ban on all plastic bags which was introduced in October 2018. Zanzibar has joined the growing list of African countries which have banned single-use plastic bags....
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Gorilla permit increase
The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has announced that the tariff for gorilla permits will be raised from the current US$600 to $700 from July 1, 2020. The increase is due to the high demand for gorilla permits over the past two years. An overflow of tourists looking for the permits means that supply has been...
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The Government of Tanzania advises travellers to the country that, from June 1, all plastic carrier bags, regardless of thickness, will be prohibited from being imported, exported, manufactured, sold, stored, supplied and used in mainland Tanzania. This excludes plastic packaging for medical services, industrial products, construction industry, agricultural sector, foodstuffs, sanitary and waste management. Visitors...
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